May 5, 2023Liked by Jonathan Snowden

I've always been a wrestling fan. I was born in the 80s and started watching wrestling when I was maybe 6 or so. I can remember my cousin and I getting so mad at my aunt bc she was a Flair fan (we're from NC and she just loved him lol) and we couldn't understand how she could cheer for the bad guy. 🤣 As a teenager I had boxes full of every wrestling book and magazine I could get my hands on and thought I knew all there was to know about wrestling. Then my cousin came in to visit (he lived down state and had satellite where we only had crappy cable) and he brought a vhs of ECW, which I had never seen. I remember being just amazed lol. I had all my school notebooks and binders covered with the undertaker symbol and Austin 3:16 and DX and NWO all around the the edges but after seeing that tape I put "Beat me if you can, survive if I let you" right in the middle in big block letters lol. Taz became my new favorite wrestler at that moment. It was nothing short of a revelation. Ah, memories 😄

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Taz was my favorite. I got to interview him for Bleacher Report a couple of years ago and it is a treasured memory.

Thanks for reading!

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May 5, 2023Liked by Jonathan Snowden

Absolutely incredible writing. I grew up in the late 80's early 90's a pro wrestling fan. Unfortunately, I lived in a trailer park with no other kids and the kids at school had no interest in the squared circle. Knowing how you and other fans did deep dives before the internet age is truly remarkable! I love learning how the true hardcore fans consumed pro wrestling.

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I also come from trailer park stock. It makes you strong.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Jonathan Snowden

I don't give a damn about wrestling, but your writing is so good I DO give a damn:

"I was instantly hooked, craving wrestling the way others craved pictures of feet or rock cocaine, desire obliterating good sense and reason, dignity a forgotten relic of a time before I’d seen a man leap from the top rope and crash through a table."

You're a genius, Snowden. And a menace. Never stop.

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I know it's been wrestling heavy recently.

Next thing will be about real fighting I promise.

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Don't mind me, I hate that now for different reasons!

The only thing I don't hate these days is great writing. Keep doing your thing. You're the best.

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This is a super weird way to engage anyone. I hope things get better. 🙏

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I love the idea that responding to your comments on my post is somehow...bad?

Hey, if "so many people" who have worked with me had negative experiences, why can't you name one. 🤔

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deletedMay 5, 2023Liked by Jonathan Snowden
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Been thinking a lot about how we got here recently. It's so crazy to compare the world I grew up in with the one we occupy today.

It's no wonder we're dealign with such unrest. The way we live our lives has changed in unprecedented fashion in the blink of an eye.

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