Thoroughly enjoyed this; it's nice to read a measured and researched peice from an actual writer as opposed to the weaponized engagement blast-of-the-day emanating from the Twitter void. Something used to happen in pop culture or sports and I'd read a fun article about it the next day on Grantland or somewhere and feel better for it. Then Twitter became the place that seemingly enhanced my pop culture and later pro-wrestling-watching experience, but now is a toxic cespool that I can't seem to stop scrolling. I find myself thinking more about how things like "AEW airing the Punk video" will be eviscerated by the trolls/blue checkmarks and shape public perception of the company for the worse rather than what my own opinions are. Do I still have them? Can I just watch Dynamite or order the PPV and enjoy it or not enjoy it without turning to my phone to see if the "masses" thought something was "good" or not? "What have I become?" to quote the coldest of the cold AEW stars... Thank you for writing this, calling Punk out on his b.s. and getting me to put some of my own nonsense into perspective, I am a fan.

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I think this is a really smart comment.

I notice how powerful mass opinion can be because I have some hobbies (reading genre fiction, boxing, among others) where I have basically no connection with the past time outside of my own head. I have no idea what people are thinking, have no idea what the scuttlebutt is, and generally just engage it on the purest level.

You can really feel the difference in how you think about it and it's much easier to distill for yourself what you like and even why. I noticed this keenly when I stopped writing about boxing for money and just enjoyed it on the most casual possible fan level. It's a real eye opener.

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I don't think Punk really believes in anything, he gloms onto phrases and buzzwords and has a magpie's eye for things he can take and pass off as his own. Currently he seems to be going through an 'old school' phase, for whatever that's worth. He's giving Cornette attention and in turn getting lovebombed by that particular segment, in the run-up to his AEW return he did the Steven Keirn foreword and regurgitated one of Keirn's anecdotes about Lawler settling a backstage feud as being a sign he was ready to do 'business' and 'make money'. That's the phrase he used when he came back to WWE looking like a haunted methadone clinic, I'm here to 'make money'.

Because old school guys were all about making money, not chasing acclaim right? Punk needs to reframe himself as an old school soldier because the acclaim for him wasn't there anymore. He was still a fine promo, but younger guys like MJF more than held their own. His matches were often quite enjoyable, but he couldn't hold together physically (or keep up) and it got to him psychologically.

Funnily enough I think going back to the WWE, and hanging around the performance center in particular, is going to end up costing him money in the long run. People aren't blind, they know what Punk is like, but I don't think anyone has considered what midlife crisis Punk is going to be like. He's resident in California, right? That could wind up being very expensive!

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I think you make a lot of strong points. Old school guys were obsessed with "drawing money" because you were literally paid a small percentage of the house. It doesn't really work for Punk, because he's never really worked in a version of the business where the revenue didn't mostly come from television money that is guaranteed (like his pay is guaranteed regardless of what he "draws").

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Apr 17
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He's the top earner of "the both company's hes been with"?

What does that even mean?

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You're not entirely off-base, but i would point out that Punk's seemingly been obsessed with WWHRD? (What Would Harley Race Do?) going back decades, he's consistently referenced Harley and seemingly inferred he's cut from the same cloth. So, i don't think the "old school" posturing is a recent phase. It surprised me not at all that he got super tight with FTR and has been winking at the Cornette-verse.

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I find FTR fascinating because the way they express their love of old school wrestling is very not old school wrestling. I should write about this one day.

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I know what you mean...it's a bit like being so inspired by your favorite musical artist that you start a tribute band as opposed to forming a band as an outlet for your own unique personal creativity. I enjoy their matches and Dax comes off as a sincere, well meaning guy. Cash, I've barely heard speak "out of character", though I'm glad i traverse the highways of New Jersey, not Florida

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Great post.

Random musings:

If Punk goes to Saudi Arabia after what he said about it generally, and to Miz specifically....man, just burn your rep to the ground and piss on it.

Cornette, even more so than Punk, is vocally leftist and anti-Trump but seemingly has a very MAGA fan base, certainly in devotion/intensity, if not in actual politics for a large %.

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Cornette is interesting because he is a Democrat but also has clear racial issues and some lingering homophobia

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He’s a Bill Maher Democrat; believes in equality, but thinks he should be allowed to use racial and homophobic slurs every once in a while because he’s “one of the good guys.”

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It's difficult to watch this dude just be like this. He's easy to relate to, in some ways. We've all felt like he does. The thing is, he's a grown ass man and this is just embarrassing.

The fact people think he looks *good* in this is wild. He looks unhinged. You really gotta be drinking his Kool aid to feel that some kid saying "cry me a river" is worth an assault over.

There's this toxic brand of nostalgia driven wrestling fans out there who yearn for the territory days they weren't alive for, but hear stories about McDonald's drive thru incidents and "real bad asses" doing tough guy stuff and it's like... I'm sorry, but that era of people being assholes unable to exist in the real worldisn't something to yearn over. It's actually resulted in nothing but tragedy.

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It's really weird, because I see some of the people cheering him on and they are absolutely the kind of people who talk about micro-aggressions and routinely want to police behavior and speech. Just....not for this one guy, who is apparently uniquely allowed to try to slug his way through life.

(EDIT: I liked this so much I added it to the piece).

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One thing I dont understand after watching that video is why is Jack Perry still suspended?

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I really liked the part in the punk/helwani interview when tough guy punk goes "like c'mon, I'll kill you" as if he's some giant and mauled people in the UFC

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I shared this on FB and the first comment was “wow the video was exactly like Punk said”. blows my mind that people only use this video to reinforce their opinion and not look at the situation objectively.

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There are people I know in actual life recounting a version of this video that doesn't exist in real life.

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I’d like to see Phil lunge at Triple H at gorilla after putting over LA Knight or Grayson Waller..even with the same cardiac implant that I have and his beloved HGH years in the past..Trips would stretch Phil like Phil stretches the truth..

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Excellent analysis as always, Brandon! FWIW, I think Punk is clearly a jerk, but I can also think of a lot of fights in wrestling locker rooms that didn’t lead to termination. My take was that AEW looks very low rent for airing this at all. I also think Punk is happy to be back at WWE and is clearly on his last chance for big money. But I am profoundly sad that AEW seems so directionless.

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How many people got in multiple fights and then lunged at the owner of the company, then quit.

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My impression is that there were tons of fights in wrestling. Lots of combustible personalities. Rick Rude beat up Warrior. He later implicitly threatened Eric Bischoff with a handgun when he had to hand over the belt. D Lo/Ahmed Johnson. Bob Holly beat up Renee Dupree and I think he got into other fisticuffs. Bret Hart beat up HBK and socked VKM and would have come back if he hadn’t had to retire. Ron Simmons DDP/Scott Steiner. Flair beat up Bischoff. Batista/Booker T. Khan fearing for his life seems excessive to me.

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You didn't answer the question, then posted a bunch of stuff that mostly happened 25 years ago. Which, I think, kind of illustrates that this kind of stuff mostly doesn't exist anymore in modern wrestling.

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I think Bob Holly would have been 2005/6 and same with Batista/Booker T. But there are a lot of examples of fighting in wrestling and people boil over in lots of sports. To be more direct, I am not aware of anyone who got into multiple fights and then lunged at the owner. Andrade punched Sammy G., and just went home and got paid. I am not saying workplace violence is okay, but I do think that this could have been resolved without termination since there’s a lot of precedent for it. I mostly agree with your analysis and I’m obviously a fan but I also think you’re a little too hard on Punk.

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What is the issue? He quit. Termination was his stated goal, he asked for it, and got it. Right?

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I thought the official word was he was fired. The news reports, like ESPN, stated this, and I believe so did Khan.

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Solid embrace of Samoa Joe. Never have truer words been written 👌 great article, really enjoyed it.

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