May 5, 2023Liked by Jonathan Snowden

Thanks for writing this. I’ve been a come and go visitor in the IWC since the late nineties, so your article brings back many memories. I was a college kid not too far up the road in Clemson, South Carolina that spent many an hour perusing wrestling websites while trying not to download a virus on my roommate’s Compaq computer. Somehow I missed out on the DVDVR board, but I do remember references of it. While I didn’t follow Dean’s work or even know his name, I certainly appreciate what he’s done.

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Thanks for sharing.

My mom was a professor at USC and I went to Winthrop, so we are tied together by geography!

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May 5, 2023Liked by Jonathan Snowden

How about that! Another reason to appreciate your perspective as a fellow homegrown southern wrestling fan. Who knows, we might have crossed paths on I-85 at some point.

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