I love this so much. Thank you for writing it. <3

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Jonathan Snowden

Classy. I mean..it wasn’t News From Dayton or Micasa 😉🤣 but these sites and people legit deserve way better than they get.

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That's where I first read your work. Wow. Hope he and the others laid off find bigger and better gigs.

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Media is a tougher and tougher business. But if anyone can do it, I'd put money on Nate.

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Huge, weird influence on my life.

And I barely even like MMA.

Just thinking about the incredible roster of past talent he amassed - incredible for any publishing outlet, never mind the two-bit MMA media ghetto.

Lessons there that go way beyond this little swim lane.

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deletedJan 22, 2023Liked by Jonathan Snowden
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We launched the blogging revolution and have watched it die... all in 15 years time!

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